The new financial year saw the official introduction of another manufacturer to the Whitehaven business with the Taiwan Based Shipyard, Kha Shing Enterprise being appointed to build the Whitehaven models of 60ft and above.
This change brought to an end the long-standing relationship that Whitehaven enjoyed with the New Ocean Yachts Shipyard which commenced in 2010. Over the past 12 years and under the guiding hand of New Ocean Yachts General Manager and naval architect, Jason Kao, they made a significant contribution to support and development of the Whitehaven brand in building quality, robust and bespoke designed vessels for which we are very proud and grateful.
Whilst it’s sad that such a strong business relationship has run its course, nothing stays the same forever and for New Ocean Yachts this came in the form of a new partnership with renowned Taiwan based manufacturer Fleming Yachts which they will now build for exclusively.
For Whitehaven, this was clearly the catalyst for a change in manufacturer and our first criteria was to find a shipyard to replicate the build quality and flexibility of New Ocean Yachts and there is no doubt that Kha Shing meet and exceed this pre-requisite condition.

Kha Shing is a custom manufacturer who has been building Motor Yachts from 40 to 150-feet for over 45 years and their build quality was exampled in the vessels they construct for other well established OEM manufactures in Australia and the USA.
Kha Shing also have their own Monte Fino brand of Motor Yachts and Explorer Yachts that range from 76 to 130-feet, which are mostly built for European and USA clients looking for larger bespoke custom builds.
The Kha Shing Shipyard is a significantly larger operation than New Ocean which offers to Whitehaven additional build capabilities, more inhouse trade skills and technology and the opportunity to explore the international markets such as the USA.
“We are in good hands at Kha Shing,” says Production Manager Ryan Hanson who has previously worked with them for another OEM many years ago.
“They have fabulous facilities and a depth of infrastructure that will allow the Whitehaven business to further grow and develop and we are fortunate to be in their stable.”
Whitehaven currently have two new vessels under construction by Kha Shing, the first being a 6500 Coupe followed closely by a 6000 Flybridge.
More information on Kha Shing and the progress of these two new Whitehaven builds will be included in future Newsletters.